法院:美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院 (Fed. Cir. 2007)
原告:Gilbert P. Hyatt (被上訴人)
被告:Jon W. Dudas, Director, Patent and Trademark Office (上訴人)
相關規範: 35 USC 112* (Written description); MPEP § 2163.04(I)(B)**
審查委員在審理的過程,依據 35 USC 112 對於 written description 的要求,發出核駁請原告指出專利說明書中何處有提到專利範圍中請求的元件之間的關連。所有的元件在說明書中均有被提及,但是審查委員找不到說明書中何處有提到將這些元件結合(combine)之處。
在專利審查的過程中,審查委員可以依據 prima facie 發出核駁,將舉證責任移轉給申請人,請申請人回應。Prima facie 意為”第一眼所見之情形”或”表面上”。也就是說這樣的核駁並非指該申請案不具可專利性,僅表示目前看上去,有請申請人進一步澄清的需要。本案即是這樣的情況。
但原告並未針對審查委員的問題進行回覆,反而是在答辯中質疑審查委員不應該有權做這樣的核駁。如此經過答辯、訴願皆被駁回,但是到了哥倫比亞特區(DC)地方法院則獲得了勝訴。 DC 地方法院命令USPTO重新審理本申請案。
USPTO 不服,上訴至美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院。本來這種”發回更審”的案件是無法上訴的,但上訴法院認為本案涉及了 DC 地方法院對法律或行政單位規條 (MPEP § 2163.04(I)(B)) 的重新定義,會導致 USPTO 無法繼續執行其原有的規條,符合了 Sullivan v. Finkelstein 的判例,可以接受上訴。
§ 2163.04(I)(B) 中指示審查委員只需明確指出哪些專利範圍的限制中缺少說明書的說明,即可發出核駁通知,而不需要證明那些專利範圍的限制中缺少說明。 DC 地方法院的判決將會改變這樣的狀況,進而使審查委員需要負起更大的舉證責任。地方法院的判決雖然不是針對本規條,但上訴法院認定地方法院的判決隱含了審查委員不可以根據本規條做出 prima facie 的核駁。
上訴法院最終認定,由於申請人對本發明才是真正最了解的人,審查委員提出他認為何處不清楚,則申請人只需要進一步指出說明書何處已經有說明即可。因此,審查委員仍然可以根據 § 2163.04(I)(B) 發出 prima facie 的核駁。而原告需要指出說明書何處有結合專利申請範圍中的元件。
*35 USC 112 The specification shall contain a written description of the invention, and of the manner and process of making and using it, in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same, and shall set forth the best mode contemplated by the inventor of carrying out his invention.
**MPEP § 2163.04(I)(B) Establish a prima facie case by providing reasons why a person skilled in the art at the time the application was filed would not have recognized that the inventor was in possession of the invention as claimed in view of the disclosure of the application as filed…... A simple statement such as "Applicant has not pointed out where the new (or amended) claim is supported, nor does there appear to be a written description of the claim limitation '____' in the application as filed." may be sufficient……
- Jul 03 Tue 2007 16:47
[CAFC] Written description - Gilbert Hyatt v. Jon Dudas